The Global Fund PSC Commends Historic Pledges Made at the Seventh Replenishment Conference

The Global Fund’s Private Sector Constituency (PSC) applauds the unprecedented collective pledge of US$14.25 billion at the 7th Global Fund Replenishment Conference.  This historic figure, which does not yet include pledges by the United Kingdom and Italy, demonstrates that governments, NGOs, and private sector organizations around the world remain committed to the objective of defeating HIV, TB, and malaria.

“The groundbreaking pledges made during this replenishment conference will be essential to ensuring the Global Fund is able to build on the successes of the past several decades,” said Sherwin Charles, Private Sector representative to the Global Fund Board. “Beyond these pledges, the private sector remains committed to share its knowledge and insights to actively contribute to the ongoing fight against three of world’s deadliest infectious diseases.”

The pledges, which were announced during the Seventh Replenishment Conference itself, will help sustain and expand programs worldwide to meet the Fund’s goal of saving 20 million lives, cutting the death rate from HIV, TB, and malaria by 64% and strengthening global health systems to build a healthier, more equitable world.

Private sector contributions have been a key part of the Global Fund’s efforts since its creation in 2002. At the 7th Replenishment private sector partners committed over US$1.23 billion – an approximately 9% increase over the prior Replenishment. This total includes US$15 million from the Johnson & Johnson Foundation, US$5 million from the Abbott Fund, US$2.62 million from Takeda Pharmaceutical, and US$2.27 million from GlaxoSmithKline and ViiV Healthcare.  To date, private sector organizations have committed over US$4.8 billion across the seven replenishment cycles. Investments by the private sector have helped expand access to treatment and services and accelerated the uptake and scaling of innovate products and medicines to ultimately contribute to the Global Fund’s achievement of an estimated 44 million lives saved.

Besides funding, PSC members help the Global Fund achieve its mission through ongoing innovation, cutting-edge collaborations, and advocacy and awareness efforts. This includes new preventative and surveillance tools, diagnostics, vaccines, and treatments, and partnerships to address better integration of healthcare services, supply chain resilience and local delivery infrastructures.

“Effective cooperation is especially important to helping the Fund regain the ground lost during COVID-19.” said Mario Ottiglio, Focal Point of the Global Fund’s Private Sector Constituency and Managing Director at High Lantern Group. “We look forward to collaborating with the Global Fund to implement its ambitious 2023 -2028 Strategy and help country programs deliver more integrated, people- and community-centered models for disease prevention, treatment and care.”

See more on the R7 here


US$ 3.6 billion in Private and Nongovernment Contributions to the Global Fund


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